無料漫画読み放題サービス「YouBook ユーブック」TOPページ利用規約


サービス利用規約(以下「利用規約」)は、YouBookが提供するオンラインファイル共有サービス(以下「サービス」)へのアクセスと利用に適用されます。、会社( "youbook.to"、 "我々"、 "私たち"または "当サイト")。本規約は、お客様が本サービス(またはその一部)についてyoubook.toに持つ他の契約の条件をいかなる形でも変更するものではありません。登録者本人の代わりにサービスを使用している場合は、その登録者本人を代理して本規約に同意する権限があることを表明し、そのような団体が本規約の違反についてあなたとyoubook.toを補償することに同意するものとします。
当社は、本規約またはサービスの方針またはガイドラインに含まれる利用規約のいずれかを、いつでも独自の裁量で変更または変更する権利を保有します。変更または修正は、当社のウェブサイトhttps://youbook.work/-/(以下「サイト」といいます)に掲載された時点で直ちに有効となり、かかる変更または修正の通知を受ける権利を放棄するものとします。変更または変更の掲載後にサービス(またはその一部)を継続して使用することにより、そのような変更または修正がサイト上で受け入れられたことが確認されます。したがって、サービス利用に適用される利用規約を理解するために、利用者は利用規約および適用ポリシーを頻繁に見直す必要があります。修正された条件のすべての条件に同意しない場合は、サービスの利用を停止する必要があります。 本サービスの利用に関するご質問がございましたら、お問い合わせまでご連絡ください。


  • システム、関連施設、またはネットワーク、運営、過負荷、またはシステムメンテナンスでメンテナンスを行う場合
  • サービスと連携する外部システムを使用することが不可能または困難な場合
  • 自然災害、戦争その他の緊急事態により本サービスを提供することが不可能または困難な場合
  • また、引き続きサービスを提供することが困難になった場合


  • 法律、裁判所判決、決定または命令、または法的拘束力のある政府の行為に違反する行為
  • 児童ポルノ・著作権侵害などの公序良俗及び法律に反するファイルや、ウイルス等の不正ファイルをアップロードする行為
  • その他公序良俗に反する行為
  • (弊社が許可したものを除く)、宗教活動や宗教団体への入札勧誘、児童ポルノや児童虐待の対象となる情報の表示、その他の表示などを目的とした販売、宣伝、募集、第三者の嫌がらせまたは悪用を目的とする活動、および本サービスの意図された使用以外の目的を有するその他の活動
  • 私たちや第三者のふりをしたり、故意に虚偽の情報を流したりする
  • 第三者の個人情報、登録情報、利用履歴情報を不正に収集または公開する
  • 本サービスのサーバーやネットワークシステムに問題を引き起こしたり、BOTを使用してサービスを操作したり、不正なツールやその他の技術的方法を使用したり、サービスの欠陥を意図的に利用したり、類似した照会を繰り返すなどの不当な要求第三者による当社のサービスの運用またはサービスの使用を妨害し、問題を提起するその他の行為
  • 上記1から前の項目のいずれかに該当する活動を支援または促進する活動
  • その他当社が不適切とみなす活動

Service Terms of Use [English version]

Terms of Use
The terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to your access and use of the online file storage and sharing service (the “Service”) provided by YouBook. , the company (“youbook.to”, “we”, “our” or “us”). The Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with youbook.to for the Service (or any part thereof). If you are using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept the Terms on such entity’s behalf, and that such entity agrees to indemnify you and youbook.to for violations of the Terms.
We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms or any policy or guideline of the Service, at any time and in our sole discretion. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon the posting of such revisions on our website located at https://youbook.work/-/ (the “Site”), and you waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications. Your continued use of the Service (or any portion thereof) following the posting of changes or modifications will confirm your acceptance of such changes or modifications on the Site. Therefore, you should frequently review the Terms and applicable policies from time-to-time to understand the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Service. If you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions of the amended Terms, you must stop using the Service. If you have any questions regarding the use of the Service, please contact us at Supoprt Form.
"Individual Terms of Use" refer to documents with names such as "Terms", "Guidelines" or "Policies" that we distribute or post separately from these Terms. Individual Terms of Use constitute a part of these Terms.
"Contents" refer to paragraphs, voices, music, images, videos, software, programs, codes and other information.
"Posted Content" refers to any Contents posted, transmitted or uploaded to the Service by Users.
"The Content" refers to Contents accessible through the Service and includes Posted Content.
Agreement to Terms
By using the Service, Users enter into a valid and irrevocable agreement to these Terms.
If a User is a minor, the User must obtain consent from their legal representative (including agreement to these Terms) before using the Service. If a User was a minor at the time of agreeing to these Terms, by using the Service after the User attain the age of majority, the User subsequently affirms their usage activities from the time when they were a minor.
Amendments to Terms
We reserve the right to make amendments to these Terms whenever we deem them necessary. When we make amendments, we will publish or notify Users of the changes as needed.
Amended Terms become valid at the time they are posted at an appropriate location in the Service or on websites we operate, and by continuing to use the Service after these Terms are amended, Users enter into a valid and irrevocable agreement to the amended Terms. When using the Service, please refer to the most up to date Terms as needed.
When Users register information about themselves to use the Service, they must provide true, accurate and complete information, and they must keep it updated so that it reflects the most up to date information.
When Users register passwords to use the Service, they are responsible for safeguarding their passwords to prevent them from being used fraudulently. We may consider all activities conducted using the registered passwords to be the actions of the Users themselves.
Users registered for the Service may delete their accounts and withdraw from the Service at any time if they contact us. However, membership fee paid will not be refunded regardless of the duration of the remaining service period.
When we recognize that a User is in violation of or in danger of violating these Terms, we may stop or delete the account without prior notice to the User. In such an event, under any circumstances, we do not have any liability to the User or to a third person.
An account for the Service belongs exclusively to the User of the account, and it cannot be transferred (including as a collateral), loaned, or inherited.
Protecting Privacy and Personal Information
We strive to appropriately protect privacy and personal information of Users in accordance with our Privacy Policy.Your files will not be removed or deleted without valid, reasonable reasons and your personal information will not be disclosed.
Conditions of Providing Service
Users must use the Service in accordance with these Terms.
To use the Service, Users provide anything needed such as equipment, devices, communication equipment, operation systems, means of communication, and electricity at their own cost and under their own responsibility.
We provide all or a part of the Service solely to Users who meet requirements we deem necessary.
When we deem necessary, we may alter or stop providing specifications, rules, designs, visual and auditory inputGuideressions, effects, parameters, scenarios and all other Contents of all or a part of the Service at any time without prior notice to customers.
Temporary Interruption or Discontinuation of Service

We may temporarily interrupt or discontinue providing all or a part of the Service in any of the following cases. In such a case, while we will strive to reduce losses incurred by Users, we will not be held legally liable to the Users for any reasons.

  • When conducting maintenance on systems, related facilities, or networks, constructions, overload, or system maintenance
  • When it is impossible or difficult to use the outside systems that work together with the Service
  • When it is impossible or difficult to provide the Service due to natural disasters, wars or other emergency situations
  • In addition, if it becomes difficult to continue to provide services
Conditions of Content Use
Users may not use the Content beyond the mode of usage intended by the Service (including actions such as duplicating, transmitting, reprinting, altering.)
The Content is to be backed up by Users themselves, and we are not under any obligation to make backups of the Content.
Users retain prior and existing rights to Posted Content, and we will not gain any rights to the said Content. However, Posted Content that is made public to other Users is permitted indefinitely, without cost or limitation on locations for the usage with the Service.
We may delete Posted Content without prior notice to customers if the Posted Content violates or in danger of violating the public order and morals, the law or this contract, or if a third party requests deletion of the Posted Content. We do not, for any reasons, assume any legal liability for such deletion.
Prohibited Activities

Users may not engage in the following prohibited activities when using the Service. If a User engages in a prohibited activity, we may ask the User to stop or correct the prohibited activity and may prevent the User from using the Service. If a User engages in a prohibited activity and causes damages to us or to a third person, the User must make reparations for all the damages on their own responsibility and at their own cost.

  • Activities that violate laws, court rulings, decisions or orders, or legally binding governmental actions
  • Uploading files that violate third party's intellectual property rights or public order and morals such as child pornography, or any other malicious files that contain virus or harmful data etc.
  • Activities that may damage public order or good morals
  • Sales, publicizing, advertising, soliciting or any other activities for the purpose of commercial gains (except for ones permitted by us), religious activities or soliciting to join religious groups, displaying or making others display child pornography or information that qualifies as child abuse, activities for the purpose of harassing or abusing a third person, and any other activities that have a purpose that falls outside of the intended usage of the Service
  • Sending same or similar messages to many and unspecified third persons (except for ones permitted by us), arbitrarily adding third persons to friends or groups, or any other activities that we deem as spams
  • Pretending to be us or a third person, or intentionally circulating false information
  • Fraudulently collecting or publishing private information, registration information and usage history information of a third person
  • Activities that pose problems for servers and network systems of the Service, manipulating the Service using BOT, cheat tools and any other technical methods, intentionally taking advantage of defects of the Service, making unreasonable demands to us such as repeatedly making similar or same inquiries more times than necessary, and any other activities that hinder and pose problems to the operation of the Service by us or the usage of the Service by a third person
  • Activities that support or promote activities that correspond to any of the above items 1 through the preceding item
  • Any other activities that we deem as inappropriate
User Responsibility
Users use the Service at their own risk and are liable for all the actions they take on the Service and consequences.
When we determine a User is using the Service in violation of these Terms, we may take actions we deem necessary and appropriate. However, we are not under any obligation to prevent or correct such violations.
If we or a third person suffer damages due to usage of the Service by a User, the User will make reparations for all the damages on their own responsibility and at their own cost.
We do not make inputGuidelicit or implicit warranty that there is no actual or legal defect (including safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, fitness for a particular purpose, defects, errors and bugs in things such as security, and infringement of rights) in the Service (including the Content), and we are not under any obligation to provide the Service that is free of such defects to Users.
We do not assume any liability regarding any and all damages suffered by Users due to the Service, unless there is an intentional or gross negligence on our part.
The Service might include services or contents provided by other business operators that we partner with or use. The liability for such services or contents is with the business operator providing them, and the terms of use the business operator provides apply.
Validity of Terms
In the event a part of the provisions in these Terms is deemed invalid by laws or court rulings, other provisions will remain valid. In the event all or a part of the provisions in these Terms are deemed to be invalid in relation to a subset of Users, they will remain valid in relation to other Users.
Governing Laws and Jurisdiction
The governing law of these Terms is Victoria in the Republic of Seychelles law, and in the event a dispute arises between Users and us due to or relating to the Service, the Judiciary of Victoria in the will be the agreed exclusive jurisdiction.